Re-certified ISO9001:2015 ✅
Only “just” out of holiday, and already re-certified in compliance with ISO9001:2015! ✅ Last week, all Provaneers passed the recertification audit very successfully.“An excellent result,” according to the auditor. We […]
To offer customers a complete service, PROVAN has its own assembly department. Products can be fully finished and assembled here. We offer a range of choices:
Partial or full assembly of the metal components
Paint and other surface treatments
Packaging and labelling
Also for our assembly we use the PROVAN-QRM methodology. By outsourcing your assembly to PROVAN, you avoid unnecessary delays and excess stock with all the accompanying risks. You can use the space gained as a production rather than a storage area.
With just-in-time delivery, we position ourselves as a vertical integration partner, offering you greater flexibility: we only deliver the required quantities when you need them.
just-in-time delivery
product quality
Quick and flawless fitting and assembly truncates lead times. PROVAN’s approach is based on the successful application of Quick Response Manufacturing. This approach focuses on time gains and keeping stock to a minimum, which is your best guarantee of better delivery times.
PROVAN is flexible in deploying people and resources. This enables us to deal with small batches and to effortlessly meet your varying demands.
A quick transport system and a smart organisation of the assembly line: these are the secret ingredients of our Quick Response Manufacturing approach. The advantages for you are that there is less room for error and that your product quality increases.
Do you want to deliver to your customer quickly? Then you need a reliable vendor. Delivery reliability is of paramount importance to us at PROVAN. We achieve this for our customers every day, thanks to a smart organisation of people and resources.
From tube, profile and sheet machining to full assembly: PROVAN has the right technology plus the right people!
Within the world of suppliers, PROVAN distinguishes itself with smaller batches, a wider range and short lead times. PROVAN owes these qualities to a unique production strategy: Quick Response Manufacturing (QRM).
Troisdorflaan 22,
Poort Genk 6674
3600 Genk
Only “just” out of holiday, and already re-certified in compliance with ISO9001:2015! ✅ Last week, all Provaneers passed the recertification audit very successfully.“An excellent result,” according to the auditor. We […]
🌞 The flip-flops and sunglasses have once again been swapped for the trusty welding cap and safety shoes, as the first working week after our summer leave is just about […]
Dear Provaneers, partners and supporters Our welding helmets and safety shoes will be exchanged for sunglasses and flip-flops during our collective holiday from 15 July to 6 August. 🏖 During […]